F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.

P.O. 1017, Moorhead | Minnesota  56560    Facebook • Twitter  • Unsubscribe

FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. incorporated in 1977 to promote conservation, sportsmanship and education of walleye fishing in the greater Fargo - Moorhead area.

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  • Members meeting - March "Anglers' Night"

Members meeting - March "Anglers' Night"

  • Thursday, March 20, 2025
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CDT)
  • Ramada by Wyndham, 3333 13th Ave S, Fargo ND 58103


  • Not currently a member. Any non-member is welcome to attend.
  • Register as a member if your dues are paid, you have complimentary status or awarded life membership.

Anglers' Night meeting. Guests are welcome and bring the kids. Admission is free to the general public. Membership dues are encouraged - only $25.

We are pleased to host Fishing Educator and Guide Johnnie Candle!

Johnnie Candle will be giving a presentation that will include everything from the use of sonar technology and chasing redfish on the Gulf Coast to locating and catching walleyes on North Dakota's waters such as Devils Lake. 

Bring a friend and lots of questions! Johnnie is an open book and will give you straight answers that will help you catch more fish this season.   

2025 Membership Cards will be available at the meeting. Includes 10% off at Fargo Bait & Tackle on minnows, leeches, crawlers, and frogs.

FM Walleyes April 3 Banquet tickets will be available which includes a chance at a Garmin Livescope plus Ice Fishing Bundle with LVS34 Transducer. Need not be present to win.

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