F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.
P.O. 1017, Moorhead | Minnesota 56560 Facebook • Twitter • Unsubscribe
FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. incorporated in 1977 to promote conservation, sportsmanship and education of walleye fishing in the greater Fargo - Moorhead area.
Glacial Lakes SnoBear Tournament on Devils Lake, ND.
This is an ice fishing tournament exclusively for SnoBears.
Join our SnoBear Tournament on Devils Lake. Rules meeting is at 6:00pm on Thursday, February 27th at our Tournament Headquarters at Woodland Resort (lodging available). Tournament will take place on Friday, February 28. Tournament take-off time and return time will be announced at the rules meeting.
Rules, details, and registration can only be found on the FishDonkey App!
Entry fee is $300 per SnoBear.
There are two divisions in this tournament: 1) walleye and 2) perch. Both divisions have separate payout schedules, and a team can win in either of these divisions.
This event is guaranteed to pay back 80% of the entry fees. This could be increased based on tournament sponsors. If you know of a business that would like to sponsor this event, please contact one of the tournament directors.
Tournament Directors:
Dave Wasness
701-361-5999 cell