F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.

P.O. 1017, Moorhead | Minnesota  56560    Facebook • Twitter  • Unsubscribe

FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. incorporated in 1977 to promote conservation, sportsmanship and education of walleye fishing in the greater Fargo - Moorhead area.

  • Home
  • Lake of the Woods, MN - Glacial Lakes SnoBear Tournament

Lake of the Woods, MN - Glacial Lakes SnoBear Tournament

  • Thursday, January 30, 2025
  • 6:00 PM
  • Friday, January 31, 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • Cyrus's Flag Island Resort - 98 Flag Island, Angle Inlet, MN


  • Entry fee for one SnoBear team comprised of up to 4 (four) anglers. This includes a $9 processing fee for the online payment.

Glacial Lakes SnoBear Tournament on Lake of the Woods, MN.

This is an ice fishing tournament exclusively for SnoBears.

Join our SnoBear Tournament on Lake of the Woods. Rules meeting is at 6:00pm on Thursday, January 30th at our Tournament Headquarters at Cyrus’s Flag Island Resort (lodging available). Tournament will take place on Friday, January 31st. Tournament take-off time and return time will be announced at the rules meeting. Angler's are restricted to fishing Minnesota waters only.

Rules, details, and registration can only be found on the FishDonkey App!

Entry fee is $300 per SnoBear.

There are two divisions in this tournament: 1) walleye and 2) perch.  Both divisions have separate payout schedules, and a team can win in either of these divisions.

This event is guaranteed to pay back 80% of the entry fees.  This could be increased based on tournament sponsors.  If you know of a business that would like to sponsor this event, please contact one of the tournament directors.

Tournament Directors:

Dave Wasness

701-361-5999 cell


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