F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.

P.O. Box 1017, Moorhead | Minnesota  56560    Facebook • Twitter  • Unsubscribe

Fresh Water Hall of Fame - 2011

North Dakota Fishing Hall of Fame - 2015

Minnesota Fishng Hall of Fame - 2023


FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. incorporated in 1977 to promote conservation, sportsmanship and education of walleye fishing in the greater Fargo - Moorhead area.

Our Signature, Platinum and Gold Sponsors:

F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.

Check here often for event updates

See you on the water!

Registration is Open! 41st Pelican Lake Spring Classic

Must Register through the FishDonkey App

Members Meeting - March "Anglers' Night"

Thursday, March 20th at 6:30 PM

We are pleased to host Fishing Educator and Guide Johnnie Candle!

Educator and Guide Johnnie Candle will be giving a presentation that will include everything from the use of sonar technology and chasing redfish on the Gulf Coast to locating and catching walleyes on North Dakota's waters such as Devils Lake. 

Bring a friend and lots of questions! Johnnie is an open book and will give you straight answers that will help you catch more fish this season.   

As always, the meeting is open to the public.

FM Walleyes Banquet tickets (April 3rd) which includes a chance at a Garmin Livescope plus Ice Fishing Bundle with LVS34 Transducer will be available at the meeting. Need not be present to win! 


2025 Membership Cards will be available at the meeting.

We are excited to announce new board members!

If interested in the future to serve as a board member, please contact, Dave Wasness, (email) or call (701) 361-5999 for more information.

Officer (2-year term) Recording Secretary – Forrest Leitch

Officer (2-year term) Correspondence Secretary (Newsletter) - Austin Breitbach

Board of Directors (3-year term) Youth Education - Colton Hernesman

Board of Directors (3-year term) - Tim Shiek

Read on for more announcements below...


Additional "Young Anglers'  Activity"

Watch here for opportunities.

The popular F-M Walleyes Unlimited Inc. youth events are in the works for the school year.

See the website events calendar for information and how to register.

Follow Us on Facebook,  Instagram and Twitter to receive current and future updates.

For more information contact Paul DesChene (email) or call (701) 729-9148.

Upcoming events

Please read on for more updates ....

If you are wondering about your membership status, click here. All paid members automatically receive an email 30 days before your annual membership expires. Membership dues can be purchased online, at a meeting, or via the mail.  

Current Members, be sure to watch your email for announcements, or click the website's calendar tab for more opportunities and future events. If you haven't done so already, be sure to find and share our social media outlets: Facebook and Twitter.

Encourage others to become a member. For your convenience, use our smart phone app to track and register for upcoming events. 

Check it out here.

Download our app and keep up to date on all activities and events. 

Want to know more? 

Check out our events page for details on this and many other ongoing opportunities to get involved at F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. 

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